Rhyming dust bunnies BY Matthew R.

Q and U Stick Like Glue- (song for kids about the "qu" sound)

NEW! Sight Words 2 - by ELF Learning

NEW! Sight Words 3 - by ELF Learning

C/K Rule

NEW! Sight Words 1 - by ELF Learning

Fish Bowl Sorting B, D, and P

Rubber Ducky. Beginning Sounds Game

The Painting Game. Beginning Sounds Game

Nine squares. Beginning Sounds Game

Phonics 3 - By ELF Learning

ABC Phonics Song 2

Look, cover, write and check

Alphabet Songs P Pumpkin - Children Love to Sing Kids Songs

Alphablocks - The cat sat on the mat

Alphablocks - Hen

Silent e Song - Preschool Prep Company

ABC Phonics Song | Let's Do The ABCs | Songs for Kids

Letter Sound a, b, c, d

Make a Word: b

Make a Word: d

nt, nk, nd, ng

Ending d Audio Cards

Word Families: ig, in

Short Vowels: a e i o u

st Audio Cards

Make a Word: st

sh Audio Cards

ch Audio Cards

bl Audio Cards

Make a Word: bl

Make a Word: ai

oo Audio Cards

oa Audio Cards

Make a Word: oa

et Video

at Video

Beginning b Video

ap Video

og Video

Ending b Video

Soft c Video

st Video

sh Video

ch Video

cr Video

bl Video

ai Video

a-e Video

Y vowel Video

Long oo / Short oo Video

oi / oy Video

oa Video

Sight Words Adverbs & Others - 1

a, here, not, the, up, very, yes

Sight Words Verbs

am, can, come, do go, is, like, want

Sight Words Pronouns - 1

he, I, it, me, she, they, this, we, you

Sentence Monkey "short i"

Sentence Monkey "short e"

Sentence Monkey "short a"

Beginning Digraph CH , Consonant Digraph ch

Long Sounds of 'oo', Short vs. Long 'oo' Vowel Digraphs

Long 'a' Silent 'e', Short to Long 'A' with Bossy 'E'

CAT ON THE MAT - Fantastic Phonics learn to read program - www.Early-Rea...

Fun With Phonics

34 - Unit 3 Vocabulary Chant - Think Read Write

18. Unit 2 Vocabulary Chant - Think Read Write

2. Unit 1 Vocabulary Chant - Think Read Write

Sadlier-Oxford :: Phonics Student Online Components

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear - Mother Goose Club Nursery Rhymes

Scales game: find the initial sound

Plates Game: match beginning sounds